Originally Posted by Wonderboy
I've been adjusting the nut behind the wheel for this last year and not really driving much at all. That'll save way more gas than driving regularly with a light throttle. It burns a little oil and is not particularly fun to drive in given the direct-to-body engine mounts. It's doable and not entirely unpleasant, but just not preferable... which I guess depending on how you look at it could be a good attribute to have in a car. I however would like at least to have a comfortable ride where I can hear another person talking well if I do use a car. I've been driving it "normal" to get a good mileage baseline, but I also haven't done the best documentation job due to the lessened priority of cars. I'll sell it to anyone for $1500 btw. I put a lot of work into it and the body is VERY clean. I'm readying myself for a reduction in projects and a new chapter of life. I still love hypermiling and fuel economy competitions, but I've rearranged my priorities as of late and have gotten far more into food and started a blog. Keep on truckin' y'all.
What improvements have been made since this post?