Here are some pictorial drag tables I did at the Aero Forum.

Hope they help
PS the bottom table was a rush job.The values enclosed within the boundary of the sections are their drag coefficients for each configuration shown.
The values for the yellow portions are a Cd value assigned to the section wake itself.
These values were measured at the FKFS under the leadership of Dr.Ing.Wunibald I.Kamm.
And you'll notice that the 'Kamm' bread-slice truncation produces a larger drag than the J-form (Jaray) boat-tailed truncation,for wing/strut section only.
For streamline body of revolution-based half-bodies,you WANT to use the 'Kamm' type chop-off.
Here is a fuselage drag table from Hoerner,1951

Here's another table from Hoerner

Here's another from Hoerner

Here's a canopy drag table adapted from Goro Tamai's 'THE LEADING EDGE'