Yes,I was up the highway feeding a friend's cats the last week in March and she failed to restart.
'Had it towed up to Sanger to a shop (former Toyota tech)where it's been bio-degrading.
Marvin,who's actually a fine mechanic,is pretty certain it's the tank-mounted fuel pump which is fried.At 237,000 miles it's certainly authorized to die!
It's been very hot,with heat index especially,and Marvin would like to wait for the heat to break a bit before he gets under there.Don't blame him a bit.
No other shop would consider working on it without me first removing every bit of the streamlining package.With my stomach the way it is I could hardly bare to hear that.
I've had the hernia for 18-months and didn't want to take that project on.I go in the 21st for surgery.
With the Honda running,it's taken urgency away from getting the truck running.