Originally Posted by Respectful Revolution
I count on you to help us all show the world who has real b.... huh... guts on the road, between "petrol-monkeys" who are "powerful" enough to push mindlessly on the gas pedal and true homo sapiens who think twice about sending their $$$ up in smoke and vanities... THANK YOU.
I find this statement to be incongruous with respect. Is economical driving about ba..., erm,. guts? I drive economically because I find gas to be expensive, not because I have something to show the world. The denigration "petrol monkeys" and lifting up of the economical driver out of mire and holding them up as the elite, the true human beings. That line of thinking makes a gulf between people where non need exist. Or perhaps I am reading it wrong or it is a bit tongue in cheek?
Learn from the mistakes of others, that way when you mess up you can do so in new and interesting ways.
One mile of road will take you one mile, one mile of runway can take you around the world.