Originally Posted by aerohead
There is a vast amount of empirical data regarding the aerodynamic drag of differing geometric forms in the public domain dating back to before the turn of the 20th Century.
Some minimums have already been established for forms operating in ground proximity.Typically,streamline bodies of revolution and ellipsoids and their half-bodies return the lowest drag on a frontal area basis.
I agree with you. My expertise is with software and CFD, not shape optimisation. I was thinking of trying a couple more shapes during the week, but I lack the background to go into it in a lot of details. Add I would love to have others testing my software.
Originally Posted by aerohead
Unless your CFD has 'Full Navier-Stokes' capability with the ancillary turbulence models built in,it will be unable to anticipate 3-dimensional wake forms behind road vehicle bodies,something critical to accurate CFD drag prediction.
The CFD is based on a steady-state RANS simulation package. The simulation uses a k-omega SST turbulence model - with is quite common, but lacks a number of capabilities (which most 2-equations turbulence models lacks): namely laminar to turbulent transition and anisotropy of the Reynolds stress tensors closure.