Originally Posted by ebacherville
well see $6 a gallon by the end of this summer .. mark my words.. i hope to hell I'm wrong.. but i seriously doubt it.
6 dollar a gallon gas is $170 a barrel crude price or pretty darn close..
I have been researching these little 50 cc engines you put on your bicycle.. great MPG 150+ but cant ride a bike in the MN winters.. especially for 27 miles to work.. need something enclosed.. At least I still got veggie oil flowing fast.. but int he winters this becomes a serious pain in the butt, it becomes shortening in cold weather.. shortening doesn't work to well even in a heated system.
I think we have nearly topped out for the year. I think a 30 cent increase is possible this summer but that's it (unless there is a bad hurricane hitting the gulf).
But, I am generally very cautious in my predictions and with how crazy oil is now anything is possible.
My prediction on 1/1/08 was US avg gas would top out at $3.80/gallon during the summer.