There, I corrected my fuel log for the underreading pump gauge.
An additional 3 and 5 liters on the first and second time I used that pump bring the numbers back to what would be normal for my driving and MID reading (which seems to be less off on ethanol blends than on pure, so I stay close to the MID reading for this)
As a result I am no longer in the Top Ten Hybrids All list
beaten by two volt-lurking Prii. Now I really want a PHEV kit!
2011 Honda Insight + HID, LEDs, tiny PV panel, extra brake pad return springs, neutral wheel alignment, 44/42 PSI (air), PHEV light (inop), tightened wheel nut.
lifetime FE over 0.2 Gigameter or 0.13 Megamile.
For confirmation go to people just like you.
For education go to people unlike yourself.