The shape of my topper is not good. It sticks up over the cab by about three inches and out the sides by a few. It also has a rack on it that adds a few more inches.
I don't know if I can drive 55. I'll slow down to 65 for now instead of the 75 I used to drive. Instead of going 55, I may just stick behind a semi going 65 or so.
I did fill the truck up today and the real mileage I got is 20.0 MPG, not as good as the UltraGauge said at 22.4 but better than I was getting before. The most I've ever got out of a tank before is around 325 miles, I could have easitly went 375 on this one, maybe even 400. The 325 was almost all freeway where this tank was about 35% city.