Originally Posted by Vekke
Do you people who like to drive slow put any value to your free time or are you just trying to save the planet by saving fuel (less co2) and its OK sacrifice to spend some 20-81% more time in your car?
I rarely drive at all in my daily routine, so my driving is largely limited to longer x-country trips thus I spend A LOT less time in cars than the average bear. Those long trips are really the only sort of trip that benefits from higher speeds but I plod along because it saves fuel and it saves money. I don't mind the slight time penalty as I plan my departure time and pace such that arriving on time is easily assured, even when I make stops along the way for fun.
I'm going to argue that those who are always driving- no matter the speed- are the ones that don't value their time because for whatever reason they arranged their lives around the notion of tearing all over the place.