So I did my inaugural run of the Insight. I ended up going 11 miles (my round trip commute, made twice per day, five days per week (110 miles/week)). I only got 65.3 mpg
In the Mustang, I get ~40 (42 on a great day, usually I can't calculate it because my in car readout doesn't do justice to my EOC, and the SCii is set to not read it). One thing that will help is when I get the killswitch set, as this time I just neutral coasted instead of EOC. Also, it is a lot more difficult to keep moving. I am used to a lot more momentum, while the Insight takes work to keep moving and keep cruising. Of course I will keep working at it, this is just the beginning. This will be my last post on the thread (unless others respond or what not) as I am going to make an actual build log for her.
Link will go here.