Originally Posted by jedi_sol
nice! you plan on keeping the Mustang?
Hell yea! The Mustang has an extended warranty with Ford, 100k miles, or 6 years. Since I got her in May/June of last year, she has just short of 26k. The Insight is here because I need to preserve the Mustang's miles. Although it will be paid off early, it needs to be under warranty the whole time.
The nice thing, is that I was blessed enough to find a good deal on what I, as one can tell from the thread title, believe is an extreme example of aerodynamics and fuel efficiency performance. The plan is to do about 100 miles or less per month in the Mustang until I get the miles in check, then bounce between the two. I would like to stick to about 500 miles/month, 10 tanks over the year. Commute in the Insight, take the Mustang on trips, either way, I will have something else to spread the miles out with.
If I am going to get an affordable commuter, I'm going to do it right!

And now, the Mustang can be a garage baby and just come out once in awhile to be shiny in public