Third world here... happy to oblige! (of course, nowadays, being older, wiser and 100% more alive thanks to seatbelts, I make everyone buckle up)
Originally Posted by elhigh
I always considered the '78 Corolla liftback - not the hatchback or wagon - to be one of the prettiest cars out there. Like a Volvo PS1800, but a little taller and ultimately a lot rustier.
I used to ride to rowing practice with a friend in his mom's Chevy Nova *cough* Corolla, five us in that car was full. Putting nine into one sounds like flicking boogers at Death.
I vaguely recall it being a four-door, which was the only reason we were able to make that work. When you're in high-school here, just owning a car in the first place is an event. Even a (at the time) twelve year old car that's half-rust.