Originally Posted by andyn666
Well I got bored after work today and set the heater to fire up whenever i want it to, from cold it took just under 5 minutes to warm the engine up and cut out while the engine idled. I'm going to take the car out later and time how long it takes to warm the engine while the engine is under load. I also found out the heater will carry on heating even if i turn the engine off so i would still be able to EOC while its warming the engine, or even let it warm the engine before i set off
If it has electric coolant pump (probably has) and you can start it without starting engine, you have successfully converted supplemental heater to parking heater (ofter only difference is in software and dealers take money to convert it to parking heater)! Very good. You should start it 5-10 minutes before you start car engine - no more cold starts.