Originally Posted by AndrzejM
You're right... You don't need zeners and resistors for MPGuino... I forgot, because I have it build on my own from Arduino Uno. As soon as you locate all signals we need we'll think of converting signals to pulses compatible with MPGuino.
I think I will not touch the ECU harness at all. Instead, I will get the signals from several harnesses that are almost all identified.
Now I am trying to identify the precise wire based on the color. However, the color code abbreviations I have do not match the ones in the circuits. The ones I have are:
BK black
BR Brown
BU Blue
IV Ivory
GN Green
GY Gray
TR Neutral transparent
OR Orange
PK Pink
RD Red
VI Violet
WT White
YL Yellow
Please see the circuit of the Mercedes diesel injection systems I am sending by email due to its size, and you will realize they are using different color abbreviations.
If you can help me with that it will be nice.
Last minute: these are the German abbreviations for collors, as was pointed to me by AndrzejM. American Mercedes Manuals use a three letter abbreviations, well known for anyone.