Originally Posted by ps2fixer
LOL that was what I was thinking too! I think even though we might hinder traffic some... the overall safty of nearly everything we do is safer than being a reckless driver (note, he didn't say careless, but reckless!)
From Wiki:
Has anyone here on ecomodder ever been in a wreck because of your ecomodding ways?
Obviously their is a difference in the safety between the two driving styles. If you thought I was trying to insinuate that the danger level is comparable you missed the point entirely. Most people get in their car and obey the laws within reason and around other cars generally go with the flow. Reckless drivers and ecomodders do not always go with the flow. They have a secondary goal, motive, or interest that they are trying to fulfill while driving. An ecomodder in right lane going 55 with traffic constantly needing to go around him doesn't differentiate in my mind from the guy in the left lane doing 85 making people get out of his way. Both are causing inconvenience to other drivers to suit their needs. Both are interfering with the continuity of traffic flow. Both could be increasing the risk of an accident (depending on traffic).