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Old 09-23-2013, 02:52 PM   #133 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by sheepdog 44
I've watched it several times actually.
My comment was unnecessarily confrontational, Sorry.

It looks like the bar is set pretty low. The Kia losses 30% of it's value in a 6mph collision. I'll still take nimble over impenetrable. I've driven around some situations that would have crushed my Type III.

Originally Posted by euromodder
The holes in the cage are too large compared to the tubes.
That doesn't just mean the tubes will give way more easily, you'll also get intrusion between the tubes.
You make a good case. But I think that if the doors (bearclaw latches and Telsa-style door anti-intrusion bars) and endcaps are designed well that would be mitigated. Here's a screencap from a NASA video which had some early designs from Edison2. It appears they inverted the fenders for some reason. Does this look more survivable?

Edit: P-hack -- you can edit your post within 5 minutes without getting the edited notice, like I'm doing here.
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