Driver mirror is off, mirror on left dash is in place. This morning (or yesterday, maybe) I found the mirror I installed on my rearview on my floor! So today I changed that plan. Rather than making it sticky just for the base (plastic) of the mirror, I cut that part out, to the sticky would be on the window. Depending on how it goes, I may have to use a different adhesive, as this might not hold well.
Nikon was charging, so poor images from my RW Defy lol. The camera isn't a strong point.
And finally, I have driven 159.6 miles without using 5% of my fuel. Sounds like a good tank! Seriously, though, it is becoming a bit frustrating, this fuel tank. Over filling, and poor tank representation. But it's only been one tank, we'll see. It may have just been that pump doing it.