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Old 06-28-2008, 09:26 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Does this point of view make you really angry??

"Why not it is the american way.. It is about time we annihalate any endangered species that gets in our way.. After all man's needs are most important.. I would hate to see a time when endangered species were in abundance while man's time on earth was about to expire.. Even though we came last to his earth.. As humans we are entitled to all the earth recources and heaven help any law that leaves any species above our inalienable right to plunder our own land......"

i found it in the yahoo questions section in the conservation area, somebody asked why we don't kill all the endangered species so we don't have to deal with them anymore.

Don't you think its about time we wiped out ALL endangered species? - Yahoo! Answers

i know it pisses me off because many people are only concerned with themselves and do not care about others.

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