I don't think so but maybe.
As a quick first pass assessment, if you assume:
An air tank volume i.e. V1, of 100 liters (26 US gallons)
Adiabatic expansion (no losses), so not realistic.
Tank pressure, P1 = 400psi = 2775 kPa
Atmospheric pressure, P2 = 14.7 psi = 100kPa.
k for air = 1.4.
Using: P1*V1^k = P2*V2^k
Gives V2 =0.714 m^3
Plug that into:
w = [(P1*V1)-(P2*V2)]/(1-k)
Gives work = 417.5 kJ
At a rate of 4kW = 4kJ/s, that will last a little more than 100 seconds. At 40kW, 10 seconds.
Last edited by Occasionally6; 09-25-2013 at 07:30 AM..