Originally Posted by t vago
The tank size is a parameter that can be edited in the settings, just like metric mode, the inactivity timeout, and that humongous microseconds per fuel quantity number. I think it was present in the original 0.86 code, but it was never really used. The tank size parameter is affected by metric mode - if metric mode is set, the tank size is displayed and entered/edited as liters. Otherwise, it's in US gallons.
Ok that was the idea I had. I do not know if it still exists pins available, but one idea was to have a pin that measures the resistance of the tank level indicator and adjusts the liters / Galon of Fuel automatically.
Example my Honda with full tank has a resistance of 5 ohms, half full 32.5 ohms, and empty 105 ohms, not all cars tenhem the same value of resistance, but I think it should be possible to find a way to calibrate the tank .
This is just an idea, if it is too complicated to try out, do not waste your time.
I will test this new update, then inform you of how it went, I'll try with AnalogButtons, to see if does not reset as did before.
Thank you
José Rodrigues