Originally Posted by UltArc
That seems like a good idea. I would only be concerned about making a good seal, and the foam not breaking through. When I used Great Stuff on my GT front end, with (what I thought was) a good protection set, it broke through the news paper layer and foil layer and tape. It was rather difficult to clean up.
You had newspaper- and foil-backed modifications?
You used one sheet of newspaper? Were you able to use one piece of foil or did you need to make it overlap?
Honestly, I would have thought three levels of protection would have been overkill. I am sorry that you learned otherwise!
Do you think that wax would work as a release agent with Great Stuff like it would with fiberglass resin?
With the way that my fog light plug project went, I was ready to purchase a small foam board and cut it to fit, but the spray foam worked out better than I had expected.