Originally Posted by Xist
You had newspaper- and foil-backed modifications?
You used one sheet of newspaper? Were you able to use one piece of foil or did you need to make it overlap?
Honestly, I would have thought three levels of protection would have been overkill. I am sorry that you learned otherwise!
Do you think that wax would work as a release agent with Great Stuff like it would with fiberglass resin?
With the way that my fog light plug project went, I was ready to purchase a small foam board and cut it to fit, but the spray foam worked out better than I had expected.
I lined it with newspaper and painters tape, taped the paper into place, filling the lower grille, then taping the sides and ends down. I then did the same with foil. This was painters tape.
I couldn't say
what failed, but the whole thing was just a mess. I am currently working with the foam carefully, and it is alright for filling the gaps my mirrors made.
I think the biggest mistake was to use a lot of foam at once, and fill the openings. I am being much more sparing now, and it seems like it is alright.