Originally Posted by Occasionally6
"Climate" scientific research is done in exactly the same way as "other" scientific research. Indeed, research that is relevant to "climate" science is not only relevant to research aimed at determining how the Earth's climate works. There's not any demarcation between "climate" science and "other" science.
No not really...
For example several years ago a group thought they had created cold fusion.
They showed how they did it to all interested scientists
even those who didn't believe them. In the end it was found they made a mistake, and when that mistake was found they retracted their claim.
Note: If I remember correctly there was even a bit of a scandal involved.
Now climate scientists have shown that they are not willing to share their calculations with other scientists for review, especially with those who don't agree that we are the primary cause of global warming.
Occasionally: I have a question for you...
Do you believe the sun has had any effect on the current warming, if so by how much?