Originally Posted by josemapiro
In a previous post you said you had to remove the internal resistances, but then said it could also keep the internal resistances, I just wanted to know if keeps or removed, does not need to show just wanted to know.
Sorry about that. I could get the Parallax board to work without having to remove the internal resistances. It was a nice little challenge to figure out the equivalent resistances of the 2k2/4k7/10k/etc with the internal 10k resistances of the Parallax board - sort of a good 1st year college problem. And, it's a plus because now nobody has to hack into whatever it is they buy, be it the Parallax board or
that board that you found, so nobody has to be nervous about potentially damaging it.
Originally Posted by josemapiro
I asked because I do not know if it was your fault, or if it was intentional, you have (middle) button clearcut to be used with the (up) the Parallax board.
Yes, that was intentional. Move the button up, and it causes the brightness to vary, or it causes the number being edited to move up one digit. It's kind of a start to what I think is your idea on how the user interface ought to be changed.