Originally Posted by MPaulHolmes
You've been busy! pretty dang soon, you will have beat the man like a red-headed step child.
Man, I hadn't though of it that way just yet. I think I like it.
I welded on a huge propane tank today; and I didn't die! AWESOME!
Also braced my triller up a bit.
Plumbed up the vac/ pressure lines on the super sucker.
Also looks like I may have a lot of lard available to me. Works great as a summer fuel, but poor cold weather performance; and on the + side has super high Cetane. If I can get a line on more free/ cheap barrels I may stockpile lard BioD during the cold months, and burn it when it is warm out.
I keep hoping that Harbor freight will put the pump on sale; $20 vs $40 isn't all that much but it's become a matter of principal a this point.