V0.1 of my cable was held together with wire nuts and used the sheilding as a capacitor, it didn't work very well because of interference when the engine was running. I'll need to revise the design to get it to work better, but I did get output last night and I got fuel consumption, RPM, timing advance, coolant temperature, feedback state, rich running indication, throttle position, MAP, target air fuel, knock sensor, speed, and IAC duty rate. It refreshes I think every 1.3 seconds, but when trying to find an issue, it still can be of help on our OBDI toyotas. If you have a TE2 pin, you likely have support for this on your car.
V0.2 of my cable will use a twisted pair cable and better pins to connect to the diagnostic connector with. I'll post a video next time I have enough free time to mess with this.