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Old 10-08-2013, 11:18 PM   #167 (permalink)
t vago
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Originally Posted by josemapiro View Post
I need help configuring MPGuino, what is the function of each of these lines and where do I find these values??.
Look for this line of code:

const uint32_t params[] PROGMEM = {
It will go to where these parameters are stored in the code. As for what they mean,
  • Contrast - LCD contrast - lower numbers show sharper contrast, while larger numbers will show fading contrast. I do not recommend going above 100.
  • Metric 1-Yes - Switches between Metric mode (1) and US mode (0)
  • InjTrg 0-Dn 1-Up - Tells MPGuino whether to count injector opening on a downward (0, for 1->0) pulse or an upward (1, for 0->1) pulse. Most vehicles use downward pulses
  • Tank (L)*1000 - Tank size in liters, multiplied by 1000.
  • Inj Delay (uS) - leave at 550 - this accounts for the delay between when a pulse is applied to a fuel injector by the engine computer, and when the injector responds.
  • Revs/Inj Pulse - How many times the crankshaft rotates, from when the injector is opened, to when the injector is next opened.
  • Min Good RPM - The engine speed, above which MPGuino will process fuel injector openings. If engine speed falls below this value (set at 100 RPM), then MPGuino will ignore fuel injector pulses.
  • VSS Pulses/km - The number of VSS pulses per kilometer traveled.
  • VSS Delay (ms) - The amount of time that MPGuino waits, after receiving a VSS pulse, before MPGuino will count it. This is mainly for VSS signal conditioning.
  • Microsec/L - This number is how many microseconds it would take to push one liter of fuel through the fuel injector. More details may be found here, although it deals only with microseconds/gallon.
  • Timeout (s) - This is the length of time, in seconds, after which the MPGuino will enter an inactivity mode, if the MPGuino does not receive an injector signal, a VSS signal, or a keypress.
  • Scratchpad(odo?) - This was left over from the original dcb code. It currently isn't being used for anything. You may store any number between 0 and 4294967295 in it.

All of this will eventually be used in the coastdown test code - you can ignore it for now
  • Mass} (kg) - Mass of vehicle, and everything in it, in kilograms
  • FrArea*1000 m^2 - Frontal area of vehicle, in square meters
  • C(d) * 1000 - Drag coefficient of vehicle - this will be calculated and stored by the coastdown test code
  • C(rr) * 1000 - Rolling resistance coefficient of vehicle - this will be calculated and stored by the coastdown test code
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