Originally Posted by oil pan 4
Have you seen some of the comments on those FB posts?
I don't understand why people are so negative about what other people do to their vehicles as long as it isn't dangerous.
I think its mostly due to envy. They drive a low mpg vehicle and wish they could get 20 or 30 MPG over EPA but don't know how to do it and wont try to do it out of fear of being different.
I haven't read any comments, as I think it's a waste to be bothered by it. What I often find when people notice/talk about my mods is that they are just car apathetic. It doesn't matter the function, what matters is the initial look. Is it "cool" or not? People who are into cars are into modifications- at least a little. The people who don't know anything about cars, and think every one is the same- a cars a car- don't even fathom modifying!
So often I get, why would you modify it? Why would you take something and change it?
When people heard a car even got 60 mpg, they asked why doesn't everyone drive one! People are content with ~20 mpg, because they don't know better.