Originally Posted by freebeard
That's why they have classes.
Accepting the limitation is what makes it art. What I'm thinking of is a belly tank with the VW boxer cylinders and heads sticking out of the nose like a light-plane with no propellor, front wheel drive like the XR-3, long axles with tall, narrow, rock-hard front tires for traction, a reclining cockpit like an F1 car, and the two rear wheels in tandem, (like the Speed Demon has in front). If you could get any traction, it would go real good.
If the rear wheels need to be open, it could be done similar to the Junker G.38 landing gear.
Hoerner has some data on fuselage drag as a function of various perturbing structures petruding out,or openings cut in.I'll look at that.
The lakester would be a fun ride! Fast too.