Originally Posted by MetroMPG
Bummer about your room mate.
And: next on the list... coolant heater. Recover a lot of your cold weather efficiency loss.
I never bothered with the brake/regen switch mod.
Question though: what happens if you press the switch while also pressing the accelerator? Wouldn't that give you your "regen while driving"? Or does the car watch for accelerator position to prevent 2-pedal issues.
I made much more use of the gears with my Insight when I *wanted* regen -- downshifted often to ensure enough engine RPM so the generator could pump out lots of current. That means it was the first manual car I owned where I often downshifted (matched revs) through the gears while approaching a stop.
One nice thing is that by fully pressing the button, it FULLY charges. I have done what you described, but it only slightly charges- never full regen. I was able to keep the SOC near 50% the whole trip out today. And you are correct, the throttle with brake regen does nothing but light up the brake lights.
Under the dash there is a button that connects with the brake pedal. As the pedal is pressed, the button is moved and that is what activates the brake lights and regen- this cuts into that system and simulates the brake pedal being pushed. Nothing super fancy, but clever nonetheless.
I would have had my IMA on/off switch already done, but there is only enough wiring to go to the place the inventor wants it- not enough for where
I want it. Also waiting for my equipment for the kill switch, although I still don't know 100% which fuse I want to use.