Originally Posted by Cd
I was thinking over how that the Mercedes C111 seemed to be the 'perfect' shape aerodynamically, yet the numbers are rather unimpressive when compared to the new Mercedes passenger cars, and even some new cars from Mazda.
You get differences from one tunnel to another - and due to different sized models in the same tunnel.
Then there's the question on how the results were measured.
Rolling wheels , or not ?
And what wheels - thin, wide ?
Rolling road or not ?
Ride height ?
A wind tunnel is a bit like the EU tyre label, with OEM testing products on their own grounds rather than in the same or similar installation.
Within the laws and regulations, they adapt the testing grounds to their products.
Some tyres are quieter when tested by the OEM, then when the likes of ADAC.de compare many different ones in the same environment, they may turn out louder that tyres with a worse sound level ...