Originally Posted by t vago
Yah, I got to work on documentation. Maybe I can convince the powers-that-be here to give me a Wiki page for the new-and-improved MPGuino.
That would be great.
Originally Posted by t vago
The metric bug you described in the 0.86 code was indeed due to modifying the original code to work with 20 MHz processors, and not updating every single time-dependent line of code. That was one of the first things I overhauled, and I tested the bejeezus out of it to make sure it'd work correctly on 16 MHz and 20 MHz processors.
And it works as it should! Good job!
And driving here I got this idea that I could use your code for measuring pressure to get temerature reading from the engine. I was working on that with "canadian" code but haven't finished that yet. So I need to start again with 1.86tav code
Could you provide the diagram how you actually connected MPGuino to the MAP sensor? Thanks