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Old 10-17-2013, 12:49 PM   #527 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by 2007 ion2 View Post
the only problem I see with that idea is, once everyone (or even a lot of people) adopt plug in hybrids or plug in EVs, the grid is going to be so overwhelmed, we are going to need more power plants, and this will increase emissions made by power plants and increase cost and upkeep on the infrastructure. and don't respond with a BS response like: well, people can just charge their cars at night, when the grid is unladen. this won't ever happen. most people will get home and plug in, because nobody wants to have to remember to go out to their car at ten at night to plug it in.
Except that new EVs like the Volt/Spark, Leaf, Model S already have a built in scheduler where you can just plug it in when you come home and it will start charging whenever you program it to (off peak, obviously). Solved problem.
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