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Old 10-20-2013, 09:02 PM   #214 (permalink)
t vago
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Originally Posted by josemapiro View Post
Which of these settings, advise me to use in my car:
Why did you strip out the comments?

// selectable options - all may be chosen independently of one another, save for serial data logging.
// the serial data logging option will conflict with the Parallax LCD output option, if both are selected at the same time
//#define blankScreenOnMessage true		// Completely blank display screen upon display of message
#define trackIdleEOCdata true			// Ability to track engine idling and EOC modes
//#define useSerialPortDataLogging true	// Ability to output 5 basic parameters to a data logger or SD card
//#define useBufferedSerialPort true		// Speed up serial output
//#define useCalculatedFuelFactor true	// Ability to calculate that pesky us/gal (or L) factor from easily available published fuel injector data
#define useWindowFilter true			// Smooths out "jumpy" instant FE figures that are caused by modern OBDII engine computers
#define useClock true					// System clock, and means to set it
#define useSavedTrips true				// Ability to save current or tank trips to any one of 10 different trip slots in EEPROM
//#define useScreenEditor true			// Ability to change any of 8 existing trip data screens, with 4 configurable figures on each screen
#define useBarFuelEconVsTime true		// Show Fuel Economy over Time bar graph
#define useBarFuelEconVsSpeed true		// Show Fuel Economy vs Speed, Fuel Used vs Speed bar graphs
#define useSpiffyBigChars true
//#define useChryslerMAPCorrection true	// Ability to perform on-the-fly fuel injector data correction for late-model Chrysler vehicles
//#define useABresultViewer true			// Ability to graphically show current (B) versus stored (A) fuel consumption rates
//#define useCoastDownCalculator true		// Ability to calculate C(rr) and C(d) from coastdown

// program measurement and debugging tools
//#define useDebugReadings true
//#define forceEEPROMsettingsInit true
//#define useEEPROMviewer true			// Ability to directly examine EEPROM
//#define useBenchMark true				// this is probably broken - last time I used it was in August
//#define useSerialDebugOutput true

// SWEET64 configuration/debugging
//#define useSWEET64trace true			// Ability to view real-time 64-bit calculations from SWEET64 kernel
//#define useSWEET64multDiv true			// shift mul64 and div64 from native C++ to SWEET64 bytecode
I'd recommend that you use the above selections.

Originally Posted by josemapiro View Post
If use the MAP does not get better results?
The MAP option is only needed for late model Chrysler (and other cars) that have a constant-pressure fuel regulator. This fact is even reflected in the option name (useChryslerMAPCorrection). Your Honda does not need it.

Originally Posted by josemapiro View Post
I still need a help is what the letters mean in the LCD menus
In order, these are the main screen displays:
| instant speed     - tachometer |
| instant fuel rate - instant FE |

| instant FE        - instant speed |
| instant fuel rate - current FE    |

| instant FE - instant speed    |
| current FE - current distance |

| instant FE - instant speed |
| tank FE    - tank distance |

| current speed    - current FE        |
| current distance - current fuel used |

| tank speed    - tank FE        |
| tank distance - tank fuel used |

| current EOC distance - current fuel used at idle |
| tank EOC distance    - tank fuel used at idle    |

| tank fuel used     - tank fuel remaining    |
| tank time to empty - tank distance to empty |
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