I did a high speed test on the freeway, I was very curious to see how much I would consume at high speeds. I used my usual method: filled to the top manually between 2 tolls and weighed what I filled after the test.
I drove always at 130 real km/h (133 speedo) except a part that had a PSL at 110 km/h.
The average speed is 128,5 km/h (GPS recorded).
The fuel consumption is 4894 g = 5868 mL
Distance : 141,75 km
Result : 4,14 l/100 km at 128,5 km/h (56.8 mpg at 79.9 mph)
The car is rated officially at 4,9 l/100 km at 120 km/h (48 mpg at 74 mph).
I am very pleased with this result and I have yet to do 3 more aeromods: lowering, kammback and belly pan.