You probably need to try a twill weave for your glass. It conforms to contours much better than a unidirectional weave. You should have much more working time with your resin. Most are workable for 20 minutes to half an hour. I would try cutting the glass into a few pieces so you wouldn't have to do the slice and dice with the corners. One method of laying the fiberglass in is to get some spray on adhesive like 3M 77(I think) and to lightly spray the surface of the mold you are using and then position the cloth in it. Then use the resin and a small paint brush to work the resin in.
Also, I would think you would need at least six to ten layers to make a good stiff mold that isn't too flexy. That would be using 5.8 oz. per square yard material.
Are you using spray on or paint on PVA? If you can use a spray gun you can usually get a fairly good coating without much drip with a little patience.
I am by no means an expert, these are just a few things I've learned over the last couple years of playing with that stuff.
Last edited by jjackstone; 10-23-2013 at 12:55 PM..
Reason: Additional info