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Old 10-24-2013, 04:39 PM   #14 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: Poland
Posts: 840

Berta - '97 BMW 318 tds Compact
90 day: 62.03 mpg (US)

Charlie - '07 Citroen C4 Grand Picasso Exclusive
90 day: 37.58 mpg (US)

Corsa - '05 Opel Corsa C
90 day: 53.22 mpg (US)

Mruczek - '03 Audi A2
90 day: 60.61 mpg (US)
Thanks: 185
Thanked 167 Times in 117 Posts
Thanks Guys for an encouragement!
I'll do my best to finish this tank the best I can.

Originally Posted by bitmap View Post
Very cool
I have recently done similar trip with my car, but I drove only on motorways with cruise control set at 110km/h and managed to get 3,95l/100km with 92km/h average speed.
What car are you driving? Why there isn't any car in your EM garage? ;-)

Originally Posted by bitmap View Post
Anyways, I'm glad to see there are some eco modders/drivers in our neck of the woods.
Lurking around european forums one could start to think it is US-only thing and us euro guys are all about performance, wide wheels or that stance BS
Hopefully that will change soon, not only in Europe or US... But there are so many rednecks that don't get the idea. They cry over high gas prices and excessive fuel consumption of their cars but they just don't adjust the nut behind the wheel.

Gerhard Plattner: "The best attitude is to consider fuel saving a kind of sport. Everybody who has enough money for a strong car, can drive fast and hit the pedal. But saving fuel requires concentration, self-control and cleverness. It's a challenge with the nice effect of saving you money that you can use for other more important things."
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