Hello from oklahoma
Hey everybody ive been a lurker here for a long time and finally took the time to sign up. Ive been trying to adjust the nut behind the wheel and will continue to do so. Ive also been modding my fuel saver/daily driver. So far my best tank on the highway is 39.2 mpg's but i know theres room for improvement even with the automatic transmission thats currently in the car. I'll be starting a fuel log at my next fillup. My goal is 45 mpg's before i swap the auto for a manual.
A little bit about me: im 19 i first started modding for fuel mileage when i was living at home helping my dad on his car since he drives 120 miles a day. Then i started adjusting my blazer but only doing easily reversible mods. Now ive got a car i dont feel bad about modding so im trying to mod it every way i can think of. Im learning how to fly and ive been working on small airplanes for about 5 years now so aerodynamics are very interesting to me.
Any helpful advice is much appreciated.