Hello, can anyone help me? (doctoral student researching "ecometer" display approach)
Hello everyone,
My name is Rich McIlroy and I am a second year Engineering Doctorate student conducting research in the field of ecodriving at the University of Southampton, and wondered if people here might be able to help me. I am looking for drivers who have experience in ecodriving, that is to say they are knowledgeable about the types of driving styles and behaviours that characterise fuel-efficient use of the vehicle - particularly the behaviours whilst driving (rather than, for example, vehicle maintenance or purchasing choices) - so I can set up interviews to find out more about the decisions people make, and the information people use in guiding those ecodriving decisions.
As part of my research I am conducting a study to investigate an in-vehicle information presentation system that helps drivers to save fuel when they drive; though there are a number of 'ecometers' and fuel-efficiency support tools available in many different modern vehicles, their safety (in terms of distraction and workload) and their efficacy is mixed (as I'm sure everyone here is aware). As part of my doctoral research I intend to address this challenge from an academic viewpoint, drawing on theories of human behaviour. Before designing any system, though, I think it important to understand the decisions made by people when they drive in a fuel-efficient manner; based on this knowledge, and experience in human factors and ergonomics (particularly interface design, which we have here at the university), we hope to design a system that takes into account the actual human decision making and thought processes involved in the task of ecodriving.
As such, my aim is to interview ecodriving experts about the types of decisions they make whilst on the road so I can better understand the decision-making processes involved whilst undertaking such activities (this will later go on to inform the design of a fuel-efficiency support tool to be tested in the University's driving simulator). If possible I would like to arrange one-to-one interviews, either over the phone or face-to-face, depending on the availability and location of potential volunteers.
Unfortunately, being a lowly doctoral student, I cannot offer any payment for this, but those who do wish to help me in my quest to support novice drivers (novices in both eco-driving and driving itself more generally) adopt fuel-efficient driving styles can take some benefit from the knowledge that they've both helped me in my research, and have contributed towards the design of a system that could potentially be fitted into new vehicles (my research is partly funded by Jaguar Land Rover and partly by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, so my research findings may well go on to inform future in-vehicle systems in Jaguar vehicles).
If you would like to participate, to know more, or have any questions or comments at all, do please email me (r.mcilroy@soton.ac.uk). Indeed I would very much like to hear your thoughts on this research project even if you are not able to participate.
many thanks in advance,