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Old 06-30-2008, 07:57 PM   #118 (permalink)
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That video is great. Using the spacers makes a lot of sense. I wonder if it is worthwhile to run a fresh air duct to the motor air inlet from someplace that does not get water spray or get heated up.

I agree that something seems un-naturally loud.
Normally a tranny spends its whole life in the "normal" position. The bits of metal dust that are a normal part of the tranny wearing away during normal operation tend to sink to the bottom of the tranny and make a sludge with the gear oil.

When the tranny was set up on its nose, the sludge moved around and got places where it sholdn't be. If the tranny is left in the car with the drain plug open for a few days you may get rid of some of that sludge.

I sometimes flush out manual trannys. My method is to drain the gear oil. I refill the tranny with kerosene. I run the tranny with the wheels off the ground, there must be no loads on the tranny. The car cannot be driven on the street while this is being done. I shift thru all the gears, and I run it for about a minute. Then I drain the kerosene right away before the junk can settle out. Let it drip out overnight. After this I fill with gear oil and run the tranny again up on jacks for 5-10 minutes. I drain that gear oil right away also. This gear oil will look foamy or opaque when it is drained out. This is to remove traces of kerosene. Now I do the final fill with gear oil. I run this gear oil for perhaps 15 minutes just at idle to make sure any kerosene or dirt has flushed out before I put any load on the transmission.

This has worked for me in toyota trannys. I don't know if would help or hurt your VW tranny, and I only mention it because your tranny has been up on its nose. Something to think about anyway.

Also in parts of the video the drivers side halfshaft seems to have a wobble, I don't know if thats normal.

Anyway, congratulations on getting this all done and together.
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