Quote from page 4:
The 1nzfe ecu runs the vvti based on rpm. I want to run it based on throttle position. With the setup I have, the vvti actually needs to operate more like displacement on demand than normal vvti. That's the object. Cruise at 750cc's, and move to 1.5L when I need to. End Quote.
Response: The ecu receives an rpm signal that it uses to choose between the two operating modes. If you put an oscilloscope on that line, you can determine the trigger signal (there is always a nerd with an oscilloscope at any high school). It is probably a sine wave. Whatever the waveform, it is probably easily duplicable with a simple 555 timer circuit that can easily be triggered between modes by a switch, say one under the gas pedal. And cheap, too.
Sorry about the above quote mechanism. I'm a noobie and don't know how that is normally done.