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Old 11-06-2013, 08:11 PM   #40 (permalink)
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She bought a Chevy Traverse, the same oversized waste that my sister drives, just newer.

Four posts in a row because nobody cares!

I just had two tests following a three-day drill. I doubt that I did especially well, but I should do okay. That girl hardly attends that class anymore, which suits me.

Somehow I am having the most difficulty with that class--probably because it is the only one where I do not have a notetaker. I do not have any more tests until finals, the ninth through twelfth, and since I have four in four days, immediately following drill, I am going to start studying now!

I just do not have any idea what to do for this class. The professor told those of us that earned Ds and Fs on the first test to come to her office to go over the test. She just asked me how I expected to get through grad school, but said that reading the textbook would be critical for the second test.

Having taken it, I really do not know how much good it did me to read the three chapters twice each, but it sure took a while!

So, I do not know how relevant the remaining chapters would be. At least for the class for which I just took a test I know how to study. The professor gives section outlines and his tests very closely resemble those, so I just need to memorize each one as he posts them.

I failed the first test of the semester. The professor recommended that I started studying for it immediately, but I procrastinated until I had completed the tests for other classes. She asked me to send her my study materials, but each time that I finished one and started going over it, I did not feel that it would help me, so I started something else, and did not finish until a few hours before the test. However, each one was the same material presented differently, so she could have corrected errors on the first one. Also, her TA gave a study session, and I thought that I would be better off continuing to study my materials, but I had some holes, which she could have filled.
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