WOW, some of you guys have worse egos that the ricer kids that build their cars in this fashion, I have never been MORE interested in a tuner article, not because they know any better but because of the fact they are trying..... You guys dogging them for the money spent for the CF obviously are not car freaks, but MPG freaks.... I fit somewhere in the middle, I look here (ecomodder) for scientific, common sense ways on improving milage..... but I would never put an ugly boat tail on my ride, I would also add 100 pounds of stereo to my ride.... different strokes for different folks, right..... You guys should feel awesome that this is going on, I would like to see a car that can get 70+ mpg AND 13.xx quarter mile times. I also seem to notice ecomodders are aero experts but generally don't know much about engine tuning. Not only am I very curious about how the Hondata works out, but I also wonder what could be done with a high resolution computer like a motec and super light con rods/ crank work/ pistons etc.
Last edited by BongoBennie; 11-07-2013 at 11:22 AM..