Thanks for the replies! I will check out our northerly neighbour.
I currently practice just about every behaviour modification I know that I have learned from CleanMPG, for the past 2.5 years. Top tank on Focus was 42; averaging 35 (dropped from 36 when we moved from Boise, ID to Renton, WA). I do not P&G - I cannot seem to perform it without being dangerously harassed by other drivers on the road, and I always have the wife and kiddo in there. Maybe I will give P&G another try when it is just me, but it just seems so dramatic when people almost run you off the road for it.
Also, at nights I cannot switch off the ICE in our Focus, because the headlights turn off (manually lights, no auto running lights). So I have to perform ICE-On.
Yes, I think a Metro would be a wonderful addition. And if I pay ~$1,500, it will take roughly two years to pay for itself in gas savings, I suppose. However, the wife will be home schooling our kiddo, and the little one is starting ballet this coming year as well. Plus they like to get out and explore. And that was originally her car anyway - great story of how she bought it, 9 months pregnant, while I was away in the Army. Haha!
Edit: by the way, why avoid Geo Jeff? I have my suspicions, but I'd like to hear.

No modifications. Engine-on P&G. No gauge.