The chips used in these can be erased with UV light and reprogrammed. There's free software to edit the firmware and the files are available.
1994 and 1995 Century used a firmware unique to that model and those years. Why? Likely for no #$%# good reason at all. Something you should do on your 95 is replace the vacuum "harness", part of which plugs into a T connection on top of the intake, next to the throttle body. That T fitting hardens and shrinks, allowing unmetered air in, which will lean out the fuel mixture, helping the engine to run hot.
Hot = BAD in the 3100, especially in 1995 and earlier. 1996 got the special coating on the two most troublesome pistons. 1997 and up they put the coating on all the pistons.
It's a bandaid on a less than great design with too tight piston clearances. Can't go with slightly looser pistons because that'll set off the knock sensor which will really foul it up.
Best thing for engine longevity on these is to switch to a 180F thermostat and get the computer reprogrammed to also lower the fan switch temperatures.
Another trick is to wire both electric fans in series so they always run together, but slower. With both running they push air through more of the radiator, which is especially important if you're in stop and go or slow traffic on a hot day.
If you want to get extra fancy the fans can be rigged with relays so they kick on in series for the regular fan turn on then switch to parallel and full speed when the AC control kicks the fan on.