Originally Posted by MetroMPG
A question: If the cylinder gouge is what was letting in the oil, won't it also let it out?
Have you been driving it? Drive it some, leave the plug finger tight and find yourself a "dipstick" to check for oil on that piston if you think it might be a problem.
I have not. The problem hit as I was about a mile from my parents house for a visit. I used up my daylight troubleshooting and left the car there.
That's an effective monitoring method, I can use the cars own dipstick. Tomorrow I will be heading back to flip the rocker arms on the intake side, disconnect the injector and then drive it to my house. I'm hoping that I can flip the rocker arms, I saw someone on here did that with an 77 accord.
The same grove that is letting oil in should let it out, but I thought crankcase pressure might prevent that. I also think the oil control rings are very worn at this point so after shutting down if there is built up oil most of it should seep back down while the car sits.
Avatar changed to my favorite picture of the car in question.