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Old 11-14-2013, 09:48 AM   #6 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Long post sorry.

First thank you for the replies. Second the seems to some confusion about the d15b. there a 2 versions of the OBD1 d15b. One is the performance d16z6 equivalent and the other is the d15z1 equivalent. To tell then apart you must look at the casting marks. The z6 equiv will has p08 and p28 as marks. Meanwhile the z1 will have p07 just like the z1. Not trying to be mean just want to clear things up.

Onto my car. I do have a vtec-e checked with casting marks and pulled the valve cover. I'm running my stock p07 ecu with stock harness and intake manifold. For things that aren't z1 stock parts are exhaust and intake tube. The exhaust is z6 manifold and magnaflow catback with 2.5" oe replacement cat, I had this from my previous civic and needed it as the vx parts are rusted and bad. The intake tube is an oem z6 as the previous owner of the vx cut the intake to soup can a pod filter. The car also has 14" winter tires on it currently which I now will hurt mileage but not this much. It's also winter here if it matters. All parts are NTK, NGK, or oem Honda. The distributor is the only part I replaced with a used part from another of my working engines. Not saying it's not potentially bad but it ran the other engine fine. I wanted to keep the car OEM but didn't want to spend to much money.

About the engine. It has 125,000km and the original timing belt, I checked. The previous owner that it was the z6 version and swapped the intake manifold and ran a chipped p28. First start up when I got it the car did not fire on #4 and turned out bad distributor. I also smoked solid grey, have a video. The engine still smokes but not nearly as much. It puffs a little on startup and constant under throttle. The smoke smells like its running rich and not like oil or sweet like headgasket. I also put new oil in it along with a filter. I've put a total of 400km on the car and its gone through 1.5 tanks of 87.

About me. I'm a backyard hobby mechanic with friends that are licensed mechanics so I do know my way around a car. I've also swapped engines in civics numerous times before. I mention this as I assume you think I'm a newb who don't know jack and you are rightfully entitled to do so as you don't know me. Also like to mention, when I ask for help I'm really lost. PLEASE HELP!!!!!
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