I had the exact same error the first time I tried to upload v0.64. Reset the arduino and keep trying. I can't say I figured out exactly what solved it, but after the fourth try it worked. Make sure you have the right kind of serial cable (if you are using serial). I plugged my arduino right into the serial port to eliminate that possibility.
My unit is back in the car and reporting some reasonable numbers (although I think maybe too optimistic!). I will report back in a week or two after I manage to burn through some gas - that'll take a while as I am not that inclined to drive the car much when it's 111F outside.
I will say that the display is hard to read in bright sunlight and almost impossible to read when it is hot. I have it perched on top of the steering column in the full Arizona sun. I had hoped to mount it up high but may have to rethink that.