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Old 07-01-2008, 11:35 AM   #5 (permalink)
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My favorite and often times staple meal is my "scrambled sausage and pepper eggs"

Scrambled Sausage and Pepper eggs
4 eggs - ~$1.00
Milk - less then 1/4 cup needed
1/4 of a Green Bell Pepper - $1.00
1/4 of a Red/Yellow Bell Pepper - $1.00
1/2 of a Vidalia (or any sweet) Onion - $1.25
2 Spicy Italian Sausages - $3
Creol Spice
Italian Herbs (Oregano mainly)
Fresh Ground black pepper

Total cost - $7.00 - $10.00

Cooking Directions
1. Bring a pot of water to a boil, make sure it's enough water to fully submerge the sausages.
2. Put between 3-4 table spoons of either canola oil or Olive Oil in a relatively large skillet (it needs to fit all of the ingredients above).
3. While water is beginning to boil (medium to max heat once boiling) and the oil heats up (a little more then medium heat), chop up the peppers and onions and set them aside.
4. When the water just starts to boil, put the sausages in the pot and let them simmer at a low boil for 5-8 minutes (you may need to adjust the heat to keep it boiling but not too violently).
5. Add peppers and onions to the hot oil and sauté them until they are as cooked as you like them to be. I generally like my onions to cook to where they are almost burned, but very very brown so they're extra sweet, but if you cook the peppers for that long they get too squishy so I usually get the onions most of the way there and then add the peppers separately, but it's up to you how you want to do it.
6. By keeping the pan heated in only medium heat it will cook the vegetables more slowly and give you time to cook the sausages and cut them up. After about 7 minutes or so of the sausages boiling, they should be most of the way cooked if not completely done. Take them out of the water and cut them up. I generally like to do slices and then quarter the round slices to make them more bite size, but you can do this really however you want.
7. Add the chopped sausage to the veggies and increase the heat a little bit so that they start to sizzle a little more violently (you may or may not need to add a little more oil to keep the sausages from sticking). This is where you also add the Creol Seasoning, Ground Pepper and Oregano, I'm not sure how much I use, I usually just shake enough on to lighly dust the top of all the stuff in the pan evenly
8. crack the 4 eggs into a bowl and add just a small dash of milk (probably around 1/8 of a cup if I had to guess). Scramble the eggs in with the milk and then add them to the veggies and sausages in your pan (check to see if there is a lot of excess oil first though, you might need to drain some if you put in too much).
9. Mix up the mixture in the pan until the eggs are fully cooked, you don't need to worry about burning the eggs as long as you keep them moving occasionally and don't let them sit on the bottom of the pan for too long, that's what the milk is for, it makes the egg more fluffy and also makes it harder to burn the egg.

Then just split the portions between you and whomever. I usually only cook for myself so I just serve it out to myself, but this is about double what I usually use so it should be plenty for 2 people.
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