Originally Posted by Occasionally6
If you do it (left foot brake) as a matter of course, it's no different i.e. no better or worse, than using just one foot, at least in that respect.
I disagree; the left foot braking habit leads to far too many instances of braking while going. I see it all the time. As a practical matter you cannot do that with right foot braking, because that foot is busy on the gas pedal.
I find it funny to have this discussion on an econo board where people are pulling their mirrors and antennae off to save .000001 of a horsepower while going down the road... all to have it completely negated and then some by dragging the brakes.
Sure... you don't do it. I think it is like pedalling a bicycle- proper pedalling technique is darn hard work, I practically have to remind myself with every revolution to lift up on that damned upward pedal or else I'm working against myself by lifting the dead weight of my upstroke leg with my power leg or worse yet, unconsciously pushing down on both. It's not an accusation against anyone or their skills personally; I just think such a habit is ripe for abuse.